What Kind of Carol is That?

My Dancing Day This month at Walla Walla First Presbyterian church the Chancel Choir is using a traditional English Carol as our call to worship. If you were in church on the 9 th or heard us over the radio, you might have thought it did not sound very “Christmasy.” In part, that is because we only sang the first verse and chorus. The entire song is as follows: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day; I would my true love did so chance To see the legend of my play, To call my true love to my dance; Sing, oh! my love, oh! my love, my love, my love, This have I done for my true love. Then was I born of a virgin pure, Of her I took fleshly substance Thus was I knit to man's nature To call my true love to my dance. Sing, oh! my love, oh! my love, my love, my love, This have I done for my true love. In a manger laid, and wrapped I ...