Happy Thanksgiving to all! Today, try a different tactic I heard: Instead of counting your blessings, *subtract* them! One by one, imagine your life without each and every blessing you have, great and small. When you woke up today, was there a roof over your head? Imagine if there wasn't! Did you drive a car home from work last night? No matter how "Sub Standard" the car, imagine not having one at all! Do you have family and/or friends whom you love--who love you back? What if you were alone in this world? The little things and the big things--take them out of your life one by one! Do you have clothes to wear? Forget how in fashion they are or aren't--just imagine your life without any! Millions of people in the world live that way! Did you wake up AT ALL today? Never mind your back hurt or that chronic illness from which you suffer. You. Woke. Up. That means you have a...