Pharisees, Sadducees, and Sheep

Anyone remember this Oldy-But-Goody by Brian Howard? I Just Wanna Be a Sheep Don't wanna be a goat…nope Don't wanna be a goat…nope Haven't got any hope…nope Don't wanna be a goat…nope (Chorus) I just wanna be a sheep Baa, baa, baa, baa I just wanna be a sheep Baa, baa, baa, baa I pray the Lord my soul to keep I just wanna be a sheep Baa, baa, baa, baa, Don't wanna be a Pharisee Don't wanna be a Pharisee 'Cause they're not fair you see Don't wanna be a Pharisee (Chorus) Don't wanna be a Sadducee Don't wanna be a Sadducee 'Cause they're so sad you see Don't wanna be a Sadducee (Chorus)* (And, of course, there are as many variations as there are Sunday School teachers!) Today the text for Pastor Albert’s sermon was Matthew 22:23-33, in which the Sadducees try to catch Jesus in a logic riddle. Of course, they fail miserably since (1) they don’t believe the premise on which their riddle is based...