
Showing posts from January, 2013

February 2013 Choral Call to Worship

     Please see my post, “C’est la jour de la Noël” or "Why on Earth Did He Pick THAT Song?" for an explanation as to why I chose this song for the choir to sing this month (except for communion Sunday).  For now, here is the Latin text and English translation. Non Nobis, Domine  William Byrd, 1543 - 1623   Non nobis, Domine, non nobis,        Do not give to us, not to us,   sed nomini tuo da gloriam.                but to Your Name give glory.          It is interesting to note that with this same sentiment, Johann Sebastian Bach signed his compositions "SDG," his abbreviation for "Soli Deo Gloria," which means "Only to God glory!"  It is my prayer that all the music we present at FPC would bring "SDG," and I pray, too, that we will ever strive to make this more our goal in all we do! ...

Psalm 148 - Poeticized

Psalm 148 ( Poeticized )   Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him from the heavens above, Praise Him, Creator of all Love, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, angels from on high, Praise Him, sun and moon in sky, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, all His heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, all that He created, Praise Him, nature unabated, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, creatures walking low, Praise Him, swimming things below, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, every bird on wing, Praise Him, every living thing, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, winds that do His bidding, Praise Him, storm or calm, as fitting, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, mountain, hill and dale, Praise him, jungle, or desert pale, Let all creation praise the Lord! Praise Him, kings of all the earth, Praise Him, p...