Psalm 148 - Poeticized

Psalm 148
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him from the heavens above,
Praise Him, Creator of all Love,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, angels from on high,
Praise Him, sun and moon in sky,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, all His heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, all that He created,
Praise Him, nature unabated,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, creatures walking low,
Praise Him, swimming things below,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, every bird on wing,
Praise Him, every living thing,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, winds that do His bidding,
Praise Him, storm or calm, as fitting,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, mountain, hill and dale,
Praise him, jungle, or desert pale,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, kings of all the earth,
Praise Him, princes of all worth,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, whether young or old,
Praise Him, poor or rich with gold,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, woman, Praise Him, man,
Praise Him, who was ere time began,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him, you servants of the King,
Praise HimHe grants us everything,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise Him together or set apart,
Praise HimHe keeps us close to heart,
Let all creation praise the Lord!
Praise HimPraise His Name alone!
Praise Him for all the love He’s shone!
Let all creation praise the Lord!


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