Epicurean Paradox
One of my friends re-posted this picture on Facebook. He found it at Facebook page "Americans against the Tea Party," which in turn got it from "I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists," neither of which, in my opinion, imply discussions about God from the name of their Facebook pages... regardless, in my limited understanding, I felt complied to "Vent" about this picture, so this blog isn't particularly "Music and Worship Arts" related, but it was spawned by a "Picture" on Facebook! I have edited my reply on Facebook for ease of reading and to omit personal references. It went, in part:
First, intelligent Tea-Partiers will say you can
believe (or not!) whatever religious belief you want--just allow us to believe
what *we* want!
Next, "Could God have
created a universe with free-will but without evil?" is a misleading
question. It presumes that this world
exists as God created it. God DID create
a universe with free-will and without evil!
Genesis 1:31 says “God saw all that he had made, and it
was very good. “ Adam and
Eve exercised their free will to defy God and Sin/Evil is the consequence!
Third, the answers to the question "Then
why is there Evil?" in the chart are incomplete/incorrect. Evil is both a choice and a consequence. If someone chooses to "Do Evil,"
then "Bad things happen." The chart supposes that the answer to "Why is there Evil?" is possibly to test us. God doesn't use evil to "Test" us!
He uses US to express His love in the midst of Evil. Look at all the first responders who ran
into the towers on 9/11! Look at all
the people who help AIDS patients and the homeless! Look at medical researchers working literal
lifetimes to find cures for diseases!
The second possibility the chart poses to the question "Then why is there Evil?" is just "Satan." (Way to over-simplify.) It's response to that is "An All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Good God could and would destroy Satan." Christians believe God CAN and WILL
destroy Satan. Just because He doesn't
do it when you think He should doesn't negate His power.
Smarter theologians than I have said the
Gospel stands on two feet--Truth and Love.
Take away either and you are ignoring the scripture and no longer
talking about who God really is. The
Truth is there IS Evil and because God IS Love, He sent His Only Son, Jesus
Christ, to die for our sins/evil choices, and to become a bridge only by which
we can build our relationship with God.
If it was not true that Evil exists, then He would not have needed to
send His Son to redeem us. Conversely,
as He *did* send Jesus to die in our place, how can we believe we are
"Good Enough" on our own to get into Heaven? If we could get in on our own merit, Christ’s
death was a cruel joke! Why would He
need to die if we could be “Good Enough” without that sacrifice? *Any amount* of evil in us separates us from
God. One rotten egg really does spoil
the whole batch! I may have strayed from
the point Americans Against the Tea Party and the other page were trying to make, but what the
Epicurean Paradox is trying to do, indirectly at
least, is what we all must do—answer the
question “Who Is God?”
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