An Unexpected Love

    They expected The Messiah to come as a king.  He came as a pauper.

    They expected The Messiah to walk above the sinners.  He ate with the most blatent ones. 

    They expected The Messiah to be a military conquerer.  He came to bring peace.

    They expected His followers to leave Him---still hungry for more.  He fed thousands.

    They expected Him to drown.  He walked on water.

    They expected him to fail.  He healed the sick, cured the lame, gave sight to the blind, cast out demons, and gave us hope.

    Then, they expected Him to die.  He conquered death itself.

    We expected He would not love us in our sin.  While we were yet sinners, He died for each one of us.

    They expected The Messiah to reign on earth.  He reigns in our hearts.

    Everything Jesus did was unexpected.  Don't expect Him do work miracles in your life the way you think they should happen.

    Look around you.  Do you have a place to sleep?  Do you have food to eat?  Do you have friends and family, be they biological or fraternal?

    You may not have all these things, but I bet you at least have some.  You may not have received them when you thought you would, in the manner you thought you would, nor in the exact form you thought you would.

    Leave the door open to your imagintion.  Don't wall it up when you look for God's hand in your life.  If God worked the way we expected him to, He would be constrained to our limited imaginations.  Leave room for God to work when and how He chooses.    

    His love is unexpected.


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