"Warts And All"
I don't know who (else besides me) needs to hear this, but here goes:
Christians should all know the Bible verse, "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." That means despite our sins and regardless of whether we even repent or not, Christ died on the cross for all of us, to make a way for us to come into relationship with Him.
But sometimes those if us with chronic depression can get stuck in a viscous whirlpool of self-hatred that can suck us down to the pit of despair.
You may dislike something(s) about yourself--maybe your weight, your looks, your lack of self-discipline/motivation, your lack of ability in some area, or any number of *traits* you may or may not have. These attributes are just that: traits. Speaking from experience, they often are not "Sins" in themselves. They are just the things we don't like about ourselves.
For those of us that have this problem, I encourage us to think about this verse more broadly. God knew us in the womb (Jer. 1:5). He knew what you would look like. He knew about that bad habit you would develope but can't seem to kick. He knew you would never be good at [fill in the blank], but He still died for you, warts and all! The only perfect being died a horrific death--voluntarily--to pay for your sins, just as you are! The value of the sacrifice of the perfect, only Son of God is priceless!
Do you get it? That's what God paid for you!
You. Are. Priceless!
That doesn't mean we ignore our perceived faults. On the contrary, we need to fight against those traits that might lead us to sin! For example, just because a person is born with fetal alcohol syndrome doesn't mean they have a free pass to be a drunk! Why would it be acceptable and even expected for people to try to better themselves except when they have a propensity against the trait toward which they are striving!
But things about you that do not lead you into sin are just things. In His infinite creativity, God made you a truly unique and beautiful work of Art! Christ further proved your priceless value by dying for you "Warts and all!"
Those things about you that drag you down emotionally? Christ made you priceless even with them!
Let me say it again: You. Are. Priceless! God loves you just as you are. It is time for you to rip your attention off your perceived faults, focus on God, whose love for you is infinite, and start to love yourself!
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