Change & The Hole in Your Heart

ere's my theory--maybe wiser folk than I cooked it up and I just subconsciously stole it, or maybe I'm just crazy, BUT... I think it's funny that we humans generally dislike change, yet part of the human condition is that everything changes. I think the reason we dislike change is because we are made “ In the Image of God ” (See Genesis ) , and GOD NEVER CHANGES. To put it another way, part of being made in God ’ s image is longing for that quality of “ Non-Changing-ness ” that only He has! It is interesting and amusing then that just as God is more complex than we can comprehend, the converse of this “ Change-Aversion ” is also often true for us! As much as we dislike change, we mortals are also prone to the “ Grass Is Always Greener / Never Happy With Our Circumstances ” Attitude. When it ’ s hot outside we long for cooler weather. When It ’ s cold we want it to warm up. ...