Change & The Hole in Your Heart

I think it's funny
that we humans generally dislike change, yet part of the human condition is
that everything changes. I think the reason we dislike change is because we are
made “In the Image of God” (See Genesis), and GOD NEVER CHANGES. To put it another way, part of being made in
God’s image is longing
for that quality of “Non-Changing-ness” that only He has!
is interesting and amusing then that just as God is more complex than we can
comprehend, the converse of this “Change-Aversion” is also often true for us! As much as we dislike change, we mortals are
also prone to the “Grass Is Always
Greener/Never Happy With Our
Circumstances” Attitude. When it’s hot outside we long for cooler weather. When It’s cold we want it to warm up. We wish our small car was bigger and our big
car was smaller, and whatever The Jones Family has is better than ours! Perhaps this is a residue of the curse of sin
on humanity! Rather than looking to God’s unchanging wisdom and nature, we pursue whatever new
thing catches our eye. Like dogs, we are
distracted in the middle of whatever—SQUIRREL!
So, dear reader, let us all be encouraged to continue to seek Him who Is
the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever, and to eschew our fickle nature. As is so often the case, the Bible says it so
much better than I:
“Then we will no longer be infants, tossed
back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching
and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will
grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that
is, Christ.”
- Ephesians 4:14-15
“Soli Deo Gloria” – J.S. Bach
(Today’s font is “Hobbiton Brushhand.” The Illuminated letter “H” is the “CelticEels” font, colored using MS Paint)
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