Epicurean Paradox

One of my friends re-posted this picture on Facebook. He found it at Facebook page "Americans against the Tea Party," which in turn got it from "I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists," neither of which, in my opinion, imply discussions about God from the name of their Facebook pages... regardless, in my limited understanding, I felt complied to "Vent" about this picture, so this blog isn't particularly "Music and Worship Arts" related, but it was spawned by a "Picture" on Facebook! I have edited my reply on Facebook for ease of reading and to omit personal references. It went, in part: First, intelligent Tea-Partiers will say you can believe (or not!) whatever religious belief you want--just allow us to believe what *we* want! Next, "Could God have created a universe with free-will but without evil?" is a misleading question. It presumes that this world exists as God created it. God DID create a universe with...