If You Can Walk, You Can Dance--If You Can Talk, You Can Sing!

      We all have favorite things, and this Zimbabwean proverb is one of my favorites.  It bears repeating:

"If you can walk, you can dance--
If you can talk, you can sing!"

      Pastor Albert preached a wonderful sermon today about service.  Of course, I was too dim to bring my sermon notes back home with me today, but I believe he gave us 10 reasons why we must serve, and he explained we must serve first God, then His family, then the world.
      One of the things he also included in his sermon was the general statistic that nation-wide, 10% of Christians do 90% of the ministry work.  He compared them to social club members, who pay their monthly dues and soak up the benefits of club membership, but never put in any actual work to maintain the organization.
      So here are some questions for you--I hope they make you think, and more importantly, I hope they inspire you to ACT!

      How are you serving?  Do you just show up for worship services and write your check?

      Would your life look almost exactly the same if you took your church involvement out?
      If Christ has made a difference in your life, why aren't you making a difference in someone else's?

      What CAN you do?  So you can't do something because you're too young, too old, too poor, too busy (shame on you!) or whatever.... BIG DEAL!  God *expects* you to do what you can!  (On a parallel rant--if you're involved in some activity, craft, hobby, or talent outside church, why aren't you involved with it inside church????)

      Think of the proverb:  "If you can walk, you can dance..."  You don't have to be Baryshnikov but you can step with the beat!  Or "If you can talk, you can sing..." You don't have to sing like Callas but you can "Make a joyful noise!"
      It's about participation and it's about attitude!  Get off your pew and SERVE, and do it with the same attitude as the widow who gave her penny--she couldn't 'do' much, but she did what she could!



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