Prepositions of the Cross

Above The Cross.  Jesus’ almighty power is greater than Death
    itself—even the graphic, horrifying death on the cross!

On The Cross.  As Jesus thought of us—as He carried our sin, we were there on the Cross with Him!

Under The Cross.  We are convicted by its necessity and covered by Christ’s work on it.

Through The Cross.  Jesus paid our debt.

Behind The Cross.  We can take refuge with The Cross as our shield.  If even Death could not keep Christ away from us, who or what could?  We need only stand behind The Cross—behind Christ’s redeeming victory on it, and all threats, trials, and temptations pale to nothing in compression.

Before The Cross.  We all stand on equal ground at The Cross.  We must all face The Cross and decide what to do with it—and with Jesus who died there.


EJA 04-03-2018


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