The Pianist and the Sad, Little, Left Ring-Finger

 The annual choir workshop is on Sunday, signaling the start of our choir season, so once again it is time to post this story.

nce there was a pianist with nine, happy, long and strong fingers...
and one Sad, Little, Left Ring-Finger.

     Lefty, the Sad Left Ring Finger was sad because she was weaker than all the other fingers, and shorter than most of them, too!  Even the Pinky Twins were stronger and more important than her!

     She thought to herself, “Why Left Pinky is often the root of the chord, and Right Pinky gets to play all the wonderful, high notes!  It’s all I can do to just barely play at the same volume level as the other fingers!

     So one day, Lefty the Left Ring Finger decided to quit playing the piano with all the other fingers!  And wouldn’t you know it—suddenly the chords weren’t as full and tight, and sometimes you couldn't even tell if they were major or minor without Lefty!  The poor pianist felt PRACTICALLY CRIPPLED without all ten of his precious fingers playing together!

     He stumbled over his runs, and those wonderful songs where the left fingers actually got to play the melody were practically a train wreck!  His playing just sounded hollow and empty without ALL of his fingers playing along!

     The pianist was VERY SAD without all his fingers—they were each EQUALLY IMPORTANT TO HIM!

     ... Oh, wait.  I got the story wrong... It wasn’t a Pianist and a Sad Left Ring Finger.  It was a CHOIR DIRECTOR and a singer who thought her voice was weaker and less important than the other singers’, and decided to give up on choir!





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